Image – Claire Unsworth
When the waters begin to recede we learn to live again.
Submerged is an adaptive live art / theatrical show which detaches the audience from reality, at least for a little while. Allowing people to reset themselves and consider how we connect to the landscape.
Developed with Ugly Duck for their Disturbance residency in the summer of 2025 the show has been adapted for theatrical staging and performed at the Midlands Arts Centre.

Image – Orlando Myxx
The show is designed to be easily adapted to a variety of locations and settings. Potentially combining elements of Video games / projections / live art / theatre / disabled movement / visual arts – installation. Each iteration of the show pulls from the same source to create a unique experience.

Image – Claire Unsworth
After the flood the water begins to recede and once we’re gone what happens next? How would jellyfish explore the world we left behind? what would they make of our priorities? How would they avoid our mistakes? How would they adapt to life on land? Growing new limbs to overcome obstacles.
Initial research and filming was done near Dungeness in March 2024 – I made a pilgrimage to prospect cottage for the 1st time. Sitting amongst the shingles as the mist shrouded me and the fog horn seeped out into the ocean. Clair Unsworth worked with me and the landscape to capture the sense of timelessness which exists at the shoreline. We formed a temporary collaboration with the sea.
One of my best moments from filming was entering the sea. It was my first time feeling comfortable enough to swim again. I went out to safe distance and then surrendered my body to the waves, allowing the current to drag my body ashore. Feeling the waves lift and move my body of their own accord. Surrendering to the will of the waves.
Audience reactions – “like falling into a plunge pool” – “I don’t wan to raise my voice as I might break the spell” – “Absolutely gobsmacked” – “I wasn’t expecting to see a Fierce festival level show so soon” – “More, More, More!”
Submerged adapts to survive.