Salting the Wound
A show about Crip and Trans identity. Our bodies are fluid and ever changing. This new performance brings together fluctuating identities and leaves space for the audience to explore their own alongside.
BUT…. Your not REALLY disabled tho! Your a FAKE
I saw you walk without a stick. You stood up from a wheelchair…. It’s a miracle. No BAB people are complicated and disability isn’t just a one badge this is who we are. We exist in a fluid state with multiple identities and needs overlapping. Balancing various Access needs.
This theatrical show combines live art / disabled movement / digital elements / experimental theatre. It is currently emerging from its initial R&D phase and beginning to be programed nationally.
Supported via Multistory Blast residency at Wolverhampton school of art & London performance studios Seeding space program.

Image Tamsin Drury
Performance shot at Emergency 23 / Contact Theatre Manchester.