By Alex Billingham

Performed as part of The New Art Galleries Here & Queer
A performative response to Three Women Bathing by Orlando Greenwood 1920 – The Clive Beardsmore Collection.

Here&Queer has been co-produced with members of the LGBTQ+ community.  Community members have had the opportunity to take ownership of the Collections and the stories they tell, re-interpreting works from a queer perspective, and increasing the visibility of queer lives.  The steering group explored both the Garman Ryan Collection permanent displays on Floors 1&2, and also delved into our Collections Store and found works they connected with in our Permanent Collection.

A 3 hour performance on The New Art Gallery Walsall’s roof garden in the blazing sun. Reflecting on my personal connection the both Three Women Bathing by Orlando Greenwood 1920 and the Here & Queer exhibition as a whole.